Aquafaba - Chocolate Mousse
If you have a sweet tooth and crave the fluffiness of a mousse, we’ve got you covered! You’ll only need two ingredients (three if you want to add a tiny bit of sweetness).
1 cup of Aquafaba
1 cup of 85% Dark Chocolate
Optional: 1 ts of Honey
- Start by melting the Dark Chocolate in a bowl. You can do so on a very low fire in a pan or using a bowl in your microwave, minute by minute, checking that it never gets to boil.
- Once the chocolate is melted set it aside. Now take the Aquafaba and with the help of a mixer, whisk it until it forms stiff peaks.
- Add a tablespoon of the aquafaba mix into the warm (not hot anymore) chocolate, mix well.
- Continue adding one tablespoon of aquafaba at a time. So that the temperature doesn’t cook it.
- Once the texture becomes of your liking, you can stop adding aquafaba (there might be a bit leftover, don’t worry!). The more aquafaba, the more liquid it will become. You will be able to control it’s thickness by adding more or less aquafaba.
- Separate the mixture into small cups and set into the fridge for later enjoyment!!
Extra tip: If you’re not a fan of Chocolate you can substitute it for Strawberries.
- Take 1 cup of strawberries, clean them and remove the stem / leaves.
- Cut them in small pieces and add them to a microwaveable bowl.
- Microwave until they become kind of a jam. Let it cool down. Then use the mixer to make sure it becomes creamy without any lumps.
- Once cooled, add the aquafaba (remember, it must form stiff peaks), mix step by step until you reach the desired thickness.
- Set aside in small bowls or cups and enjoy cold!