Meet Dr. Reva
Founder of Savorease
As a child I experienced a soft diet because I had a jaw growth issue. Eating was at times a chore...painful and difficult. This experience paved the way for me to become a prosthodontist with advanced training in oral processing, and rebuilding function with prosthetics.
My passion is not only to improve oral function and esthetics, it is also in the culinary arts. I even went to French culinary school and became a chef. But I really only had time to share my food creations with family and friends!

My patients shared their stories of challenges with eating. And about 9 years ago, I became aware of the impact of dysphagia on their access to food and more importantly, to their overall wellbeing. Their sensory pleasure of eating was lost. It impacted their desire to eat and to eat with others – making them feel even more isolated.
For these patients, textures become softer and wet. Spoons replace forks, and knives. The disparity with “normal” eating becomes broader. And eating with your fingers - which increases intake – isn’t feasible. Soft food choices are more limited, and convenience foods are all sweet and bland. I knew with my background and drive to overcome a challenge, I could bring the joy back to eating for people managing dysphagia.
I combined this drive with my experience leading research for global dental implant companies, my years teaching dentistry at Oregon Health and Science University, and my interactions with thousands of patients over the past 25 years in private practice.
Pick a mutually available date and time on Calendly.

We don't eat nutrition.
We eat food.
Bringing together experts in the field of swallowing disorders, nutrition, medicine and food science, Savorease has been able to support therapists and the medical team in restoring the joy of eating. Further, my background in clinical research demands a disciplined focus on clinical evidence to demonstrate how nutrition therapy can impact dysphagia management and pediatric feeding therapy.
Crispy Melts can be held in the fingers to begin the oral preparatory phase of the swallow. In the mouth, a Crispy Melt is easy to control and manipulate. They can be used as a tool to understand oral deficits, as a compensatory strategy for all texture modified diets, and as a rehabilitative strategy to improve chewing and swallowing function.
The oral phase of the swallow is impacted by many neurological and cancer related conditions. Crispy Melts are a comprehensive swallow support aid that restores the joy of eating AND supports healthcare providers meet their clinical goals.
Dr. Reva Barewal
Contact Dr. Reva
Contact Dr. Reva to collaborate on how Crispy Melts fit your clinical workflow and patient needs, including a new and proven soft diet option for your patients.
There are two convenient options for connecting:
1) Pick a mutually available date and time on Calendly:
2) e-mail Dr. Reva at
Company e-mail:
Leave a message at: 503-349-2253
"I offered Savorease during a therapy session with my Down syndrome patient. He was able to grasp the crackers, feed himself. Mom cried in the session. She was so happy."
Erin Forward, CCC, SLP
"I just want to say how cool this product really is. At our national conference, Dr. Reva had a booth. You could see the excitement on the faces of the clinicians. They were saying, "This is what I have been looking for. This is what I need for my patients." All I heard was, "It really melts in your mouth."
Samantha Shune, CCC, SLP, PhD
"I am a retired SLP that also has dysphagia. I take my nutrition through a PEG tube. This is the first time I have been able to eat food by mouth in awhile. When friends come over, I can eat with them. That makes eating feel "normal" again."
Karen Swanson, SLP